Tag Archives: WriteLine

TFS Build Process Definition WriteLine Task

I needed to use one of the primitive task, WriteLine, that is available for TFS Build Process Definition.

My aim was to create a file with version information gets written a file in output directory of the build.

WriteLine task has following two properties that are needed to be set:

WriteLine.Text = "Text to be written by this task"
WriteLine.TextWriter = "TextWriter object that will write the text"

It is pretty simple task to use. However, I could not get anything written to the file. I could see file being created. I set following values to these properties:

WriteLine.Text = "Sample text to be written to file"
WriteLine.TextWriter = New StreamWriter(outputDirectory + "\sampletextfile.txt")

As simple as it appears, it did not work for me. However after I set StreamWriter.AutoFlush property to true and Append = false, it worked just fine.

It could be that WriteLine task handles writing to the stream differently.

I set following value to WriteLine.TextWriter property and it worked FINE.

New StreamWriter(outputDirectory + "\sampletextfile.txt", False) With {.AutoFlush = True}